Sunday, 1 May 2011

Must have fishing tackle for every fisherman

For those who will be trying their hand on angling or fishing, one of the most important equipment that you should have is the fishing tackle. The term itself loosely refers to items such as sinkers, baits, reels, and lures which a good fisherman should know. Even beginners at fishing should have an idea on what type of fishing tackle they should have with them when they're out catching fish. Some people refer to fishing tackle as fishing gear but this term is often used by those who do commercial fishing.

Before you go out there and catch yourself some fish, completing your fishing tackle should be your first priority. The basic parts when it comes to fishing tackle are reel, rod, fishing bait, hook, line and sinker. You can get them wholesale or you can buy them separately if you prefer. Depending on the type of tool that are you are looking for, you should be considering several important things. For example, if you are out to find the best fly rod, you need to know first what type of fish you are after. There are actually several kinds of fly rods out there and they do come in various sizes. This means determining the type of fish as well as the size you want to catch are important.

Another factor that you should consider is the type of fishing that you will be doing. Say that you want to go fly fishing for a trout. There are actually three ways to do so and these are Wet Fly, Dry Fly and Nymph. Whichever you choose from these three, it will factor greatly when it comes to the fly rod you will be buying.

Aside from the fly rod, having your own fishing box is important as well. There are actually several kinds of fishing boxes that are being sold today to help you store your stuff as well as the items and accessories you need to do your fishing. Some fishermen find these boxes a lifesaver especially when they get to store everything they need in one place. Depending on the size that you will be getting, there are several compartments inside that can help you organize your fishing tackle for easy access. Keep in mind that you need to have one when you start your fishing adventure so don't waste time today and start looking for one.

Now that you have your rod and your fishing box, you should consider the type of line that you will be using for your fishing trip. You might want to consider getting fluorocarbon fishing lines since they are one of the most highly recommended ones today. Although this type of line can be more expensive than nylon lines, they provide more benefits for the fisherman in you. Fluorocarbon fishing line is resilient and quite durable and is highly recommended for use in freshwater fishing.

Although some fisherman are hesitant in using this type of line because of its bad reputation during its infant years, fluorocarbon fishing lines of today are sturdier, more durable and less prone to breakage which means they can give you better quality fishing compared to the nylon ones. You might want to ask around your local fishing store to get a better idea on the best brand there is so you can get your fishing adventure on the right track.

You should also look into the type of sinker and lure to use when you fish to increase your chances of getting a good bite when you cast your line. For those who will be trying fishing for the first time, finding out more about these tools can help you complete your fishing tackle faster for you to start your journey into the world of angling today.

 Click Here For The Ultimate Fishing Trip Guidebook On How To Plan, Organize, And Catch More Fish On Your Next Fishing Trip!

The best gifts for any angler

Giving cool gifts is tricky business. Even when you know what to get someone, like fishing gifts, you will still have trouble picking out a specific item to give. Still, knowing at the very least what that special someone is interested in will help in narrowing down your options. Sold on giving fishing gifts? Here are some options for you to consider:

+ Apparel - every proud angler will not have a problem wearing apparel that reflects his passion. You can give two kinds of apparel for anglers: first, you can focus on function, and second, you can add in a bit of fun while addressing function. In terms of function, you can give an angler any sort of apparel that he can use while he's out looking for his prized catch. Being out in the water will always mean having to deal with a cold draft so fishing vests will always come in handy. Boots also work well to in providing protection from the cold, as well as ensuring that your special angler friend will always have sure footing wherever he goes. For the fun part, you can use apparel with fun and crazy captions as fishing gifts.

+ Gear - if there's anything that an angler will truly appreciate, it would be receiving gear as presents. After all, everyone will find use for fishing gear so getting some as gifts will surely come in handy. To ensure that your gift will be appreciated, make sure that you give the right kind of gear. If you're not sure what to give, ask another angler for only an angler will truly know what another angler will need. You can also use giving fishing gifts as a chance to introduce someone into the challenging world of fishing.

+ Decor - again, an angler will be proud to show off his passion to anyone. And this includes decking his home or office with all things about fishing. Decor as fishing gifts will be one of the easiest to choose though because you need only look for something fishing-related that will look good in his home or office. Wooden replicas of trout and salmon would be a good place to start.

+ Accessories - if getting fishing apparel is not enough, you can always make a happy angler even happier by giving him fishing accessories. Now, fishing accessories can either be fully functional or just plain cute, bordering on even being called unusual gifts even. If you're just looking to give a fishing gift as a small token, you can consider giving fishing pins. If your angler friend has an iPhone, you can give him a fishing-inspired iPhone cover.

+ Partner gifts - fishing has always been an activity close to home for a lot of people so giving partner gifts will be greatly appreciated. For instance, you can give bass plushies to a parent and a child as there are bass plushies in small-fry versions as the perfect gift idea for youngsters.

+ Gift certificates  - as much as you want to be able to give proper fishing gifts, there will be instances that you will have a hard time getting around to getting an actual gift so the next best thing you can give are gift certificates. You can still stick to the idea of giving fishing-related gifts by opting for gift certificates from fishing stores. Even better if you can get some from your fishing friend's favorite fishing store. While a bit on the less personal side of things, giving gift certificates will at least ensure that your friend will get what exactly he wants as he'll be the one doing the choosing. Gift certificates have validity periods though so do remind them to take note.

Five Top Bass Fishing Tips

Whether you are planning to join a fishing tournament or you just want to improve your fishing skills, these bass fishing tips will teach you everything you need to learn about this exciting hobby. From securing the right fishing rods to using the right baits, this article will introduce you to the world of catching bass fish. Before setting off for your next fishing trip, you should try using the various techniques that you will learn from this complete guide to bass fishing.

Choose from bass fishing rods

The appropriate fishing rods maximize your potentials and turn you into a great angler. In bass angling, different kinds of lure may require various types of rod. Basic rods that are made from graphite or fiberglass are perfect for beginners like you. The finer their weaves, the faster their action will be. On the other hand, high modulus rods are usually faster and more sensitive but they also tend to be brittle. Special fishing rods that are engineered for specific angling techniques and baits are always your best choice.

Get the right rod handles and guides

Rod handles are usually made from cork, wood, or foam materials. Regardless of what material you wish to use, you should choose a fishing rod that can comfortably fit your hand. Their reel seats should also be made from sturdy composite materials and they need to be compatible with a wide range of fishing reels. Although high-quality guides can be costly, their lightweight and sensitive qualities can improve the sensitivity and casting distance of your fishing rods.

Buy the best bass fishing lures

Effective baits can help increase your chances of catching a bass fish the will earn you a trophy. Jitterbugs, synthetic worms, live baits, and realistic shad imitations are four of the best baits that you can use for smallmouth bass fishing.

Jitterbugs are the best top waster bass lures that you can use. Some of their manufacturers have already produced jointed varieties that are more effective than traditional lures are. The key to using this bait is to introduce it to the water very slowly and retrieve them as soon as it attracts a bass fish. If you prefer to use live baits, all you need to do is to hook them below their dorsal fins with the use of circle hooks. Smaller ones should be hooked through their lips with the use of gang hooks.

Since bass fish love shads, realistic imitations of shads can serve as very effective bass lures. If you want to get the best results from these lures, you have to keep them as realistic as possible. Trying to save a few bucks on your baits by compromising their realism will only decrease your chances of learning how to catch bass. For synthetic grubs and worms, you have to choose those that possess fish-attracting scents instead of wasting your money on soft plastic grubs.

Plan your fishing trip

Before going on your next fishing trip, you have to schedule it according to the appropriate time. Early morning or evening trips is the perfect time for catching big fish. Secure a map of the lake you want to visit and locate some of its long points, submerged islands, and creek channels. Bass love swimming back and forth from shallow to deep water so you have to concentrate on these areas.

Explore different depths

Use fly rods if you want to catch different kinds of bass during summer or spring. Live baits such as craws, waterdogs, and minnows are perfect for bass fishing because you can use it even when you are staying at the shore or catching fish from anchored boats. You may also want to try various depths before leaving lake spots but you have to remember that fish staying close to the bottom are more likely to bite baits than those suspended in water.

These are only some of the things you need to remember before engaging in this exciting recreational sport. Although there is no hard and fast rule for catching bass fish, you have to remember these five bass fishing tips and use them to hone your angling skills.

Five Idyllic Fishing Vaction Destinations

In the past, fishing was one of the tasks people did in order to survive. While there are still people who do fishing as a means of livelihood, more and more people are getting involved in fishing for sport and leisure. Fishing vacations are popular among anglers, with these holidays putting them in the element they like best: being one with nature. Great fishing vacations take people to idyllic places where they can spend time doing what they love. Listed below are some of the best destinations for fly fishing vacations.

1.Peggy's Cove. No list of destinations for the perfect fishing vacations is complete without Peggy's Cove, which can be found in Canada. Known as the idyllic fishing village, Peggy's Cove is a great getaway for those who simply want to enjoy their time fishing. Aside from fishing, the place also offers great photography spots, as well as areas where you can go sightseeing, hiking, kayaking, birding, and shopping. Peggy's Cove is also located at an ideal spot, allowing you to gain access to Halifax, the South Shore, and the Annapolis Valley should you wish to visit the nearby towns.

2.Montana. Montana is a popular destination for those who want to experience great fly fishing vacations. In fact, the most avid fly fishers actually journey to Montana just so they can get the best catches, particularly trout. Some of the best spots for fishing in Montana include Yellowstone, Beaverhead, Madison, Bighorn, Gallatin, Big Hole, and Clark Fork. Fly fishing lodges can also be rented within the area so you don't need to stay away from the water for too long.

3.Alaska. Another popular destination for fishing vacations, Alaska has just about everything in store for nature lovers. With the beautiful view and the great catches (salmon and trout are common in the area), you have little to complain about should you choose the state as your destination. June is the best month to go to Alaska.

4.Norway. Norway has some of the largest and most abundant salmon you can ever find. If you're not a fan of salmon, you can also find a variety of fish that you can catch in the area. It's not just about the size: the fish in Norway are renowned for having really mouth-watering taste, so you really will enjoy fishing, both for the experience and for the culinary delights you get to enjoy on your vacation there. The fjords, mountains, and lakes of Norway are also worth seeing while you're there.

5.New Zealand. New Zealand isn't just famous for the exquisite scenery the land has been blessed with. The country is popular among anglers, and has in fact been dubbed as Anglers El Dorado. The best time to visit the country is during the summer. If you get tired of fishing, you won't get bored checking out the local sights, since New Zealand is one of the most gorgeous places in the world. A plus: it's also very quiet there, so you can enjoy your vacation in peace.

Fishing vacation packages can be arranged with travel agencies, or you can get together with your friends to plan the perfect fishing vacations. If you're more the type who prefers fishing alone, you can also plan your trip on your solo cruise. These destinations usually organize tours for anglers to bring them to the areas where they can have the best fishing experience, either saltwater or freshwater, either based on what's popular among tourists or what your personal preferences are. After all, it is your holiday, so you can have full control over what your fishing vacations will be like.

Click Here For The Ultimate Fishing Trip Guidebook On How To Plan, Organize, And Catch More Fish On Your Next Fishing Trip!

Fishing basics for a newbie fisherman

Among many American hobbies and past-times, fishing is probably one of the most popular. Whether it is because of the pure bliss of enjoying the waters while waiting for your catch to snap on the bait or the sheer Zen-like experience of the endeavor, only those who are into the past-time can really tell. But if you are expressing an interest on fishing, there are some basics of fishing that you need to be ware of first. Below are some fishing basics for newbie fishermen like you.

Fishing 101:

+ Be respectful with fellow fishermen
One of the most important fishing basics is you must never walk up to a fellow fisherman and immediately begin fishing next to him right away. This is very impolite, and considered unethical in fishing circles. If you happen to be on an area where there is a limited fishing space, it is highly advised that you ask a nearby fisherman first if it is all right to fish beside him.

+ Be observant.
It is best if you would observe how other folks do their fishing. This will help you find out the type of fish that are caught on the area. People who use lures, for instance, usually fish over a bigger fishing area. Compared to those who use baits, they would need more space so do not just sit beside them and fish.  Of course it will be a hassle to find another lucrative fishing area but keep in mind that they were there first.  Well, even if they are using live bait to fish on smaller area, you still need to ask for their permission.

+ Never use lures on fishing piers
When you fish on areas like fishing piers or even rock jettys, using lures to catch fish is seen as a rude thing to do. Well, the only exception is if you will be casting your lure in a clockwise manner to catch fish that are right there in front of you. The reason for this is fishing piers provide a very limited space for fishing. As mentioned earlier, it is very important fishing basics that you still ask permission to fish regardless of the situation. Well, if you are first to fish there, maintain your politeness to those who will arrive late. If there is no fishing room, be polite in explaining the situation to fellow fishers.

+ Never cast nets on areas where others are already fishing
Like other fishing basics, this is actually pure common sense. But since most people tend to overlook the importance of this rule, it is worth mentioning here. The only situation that casting nets on other fishermens area is allowed is when you have the permission to do it. Bear in mind however, that by doing this, you immediately scare away potential catches.

+ Find a good spot far from other fishermen if you are after bait
In case of fishing piers, however, you will have a very limited space so it is better if you choose a better spot early. You can also look for fishing areas where no other people are fishing.

+ Always look on the spot where you will cast your net
Unlike other fishing basics, this is elementary. Make sure that you always throw your net at the right places.  If, for instance, your net is cast on a rocky area, it will just be tangled up or worse, destroyed.  This will make your fishing experience more of a hassle than a fun activity.

Fishing is an excellent and exciting hobby and sport. However, there are certain fishing basics that you would need to follow first so you can enjoy fishing with other people more. To know more about other fishing basics, fishing tactics, and information about equipment such as fishing boats and nets, you can look for the best sites online.

Choose the best fishing clothes for you

Fishing seems to be a special activity for most people. As a matter of fact, a lot of people even consider this their own sport. And, like any other sport, you should be able to gear up for the occasion. This is the reason why people have to wear the right kind of fishing clothes in the process. This might be trivial to some people given the perceived lack of physical activity in the process. However, people neglect that there are those who have made this venture their profession and dealing with harsh weather and water conditions are actually a trade-off of the job. Additionally, the specific weather condition actually requires people who want to engage the industry to wear specific types of clothing.

How to choose the best fishing shirts and fishing vests

The most basic types among fishing clothes are actually shirts and vests. These are actually not just fishing clothes but are fashionable pieces of clothing as well. Each shirt can actually represent a statement that every fisherman wants to shout to the world. For example, these clothes can actually feature a person's favorite fish to eat. For people who wear these clothes outside the industry, this is a great way to actually strike up conversations, spark minds, exchange ideas, and make people understand about their undying devotion and visual declaration of their passion. But in a more practical manner, every fishing enthusiast actually needs these set of clothes as the ocean might be generally harsh and overly chilly. Due to the varying weather conditions that these fishermen are exposed to, the only mode of protection is to actually wear these types of clothing.

How to choose the perfect fishing gloves and fishing hats

Handling different types of fish can also be stressful, as you have to deal with fins, tails, and other sharp body parts of the catch. This is the reason why gloves are actually of utmost importance when you are doing massive and commercial fishing in order to sustain your livelihood. In order to correctly choose these types of fishing clothes, you must find one that is made of a thick material and is not easily pierced by sharp objects. You must also choose those that are thick enough to support your hand in pulling ropes and nets. By getting the right sets of gloves, you can prevent blisters from developing. Additionally, they should also be thick enough in order to protect you from the hook of a fishing rod.

As for hats, you have to choose one that is thick enough to actually shield you from the sun and warm enough to protect your head during the night. Make sure that the hat also has a feature which allows you to tie the hat to your body to make sure that it does not fly away with the wind, especially if you have to go out and fish during the winter. You might also want to actually look at shoes that are perfect for different seasons. During rainy and snowy seasons, boots are obviously the best bargain to take. You can buy waterproof rubber boots at reasonable prices nowadays. For thicker and more stylish designs, you can check out boots made of leather in order to give you that warm and fuzzy feeling even if you are in the middle of the ocean.
Lastly, you have to make sure that all fishing clothes are actually waterproof.  Water is a fisherman's best friend and worst enemy, especially if you get wet hours before you are able to go back home. So be sure to remember all these things when looking for the perfect fishing clothes.

Click Here For The Ultimate Fishing Trip Guidebook On How To Plan, Organize, And Catch More Fish On Your Next Fishing Trip!

Fly fishing for beginners

Angling is one of the more popular recreational activities that you can do today. There are actually several types of angling that you can try out and one of them is fly fishing. Fly fishing is basically fishing using an artificial bait or fly. What makes this particular type of fishing popular is the challenge it presents especially when it comes to casting the line into the water. For those who will be trying this sport for the first time, you might want to start off by learning fly fishing for beginners to give you a better idea on how this particular angling type is done.

Fly fishing for beginners can be found online where several sites provide you with the information you need. Usually covering the tools and equipment you need as well as the technique to use, these fly fishing lessons are definitely worth your time especially when you are interested in learning the art of fly fishing.

Fly fishing reels are part of the equipment you will need when it comes to fly fishing aside from the rods and lines. The reels are used to hold various weight lines. For example, if you want to catch small fish, the weight combination that you should use is 2 to 4 weight and 5 or 6 weight for medium-sized fish. It is important that you get the weight of the rods, reels and lines correctly so you can cast a good line into the water. If you want to catch a bigger fish, using heavy weights are advisable.

Fly fishing for beginners also involves learning how to tie different knots. These knots are quite easy to understand and for sure, you will be doing them in no time at all. Among the type of knots that you can use include clinch, surgeons, nail and arbour. Part of the fly fishing instruction on how to tie a knot is to wet the line with your saliva so there will be less friction. This will help make it easier for you to create a knot used for fly fishing. 

Aside from learning about the equipment used in fly fishing as well as the knots used, you should also learn about the different casting styles. There are two styles in casting lines in fly fishing and these are the overhead cast and roll cast. Although there are lots of sites for fly fishing for beginners that refer to casting, watching videos on how to cast is better since you will see how the movement of the wrists and arms are.

Another important lesson when it comes to fly fishing for beginners is how to prepare mentally to avoid having a fruitless or frustrating day when fly fishing. This usually involves learning more about the type of fish you want to catch including the food they eat, how they move and the like so you can recreate the same movement with your fly. In fly fishing, the term used here is match the hatch.

Fly fishing, although challenging, can also be a good source of fun and excitement. When it comes to finding the appropriate tools and equipment needed for this sport, you can actually visit several fly fishing shops where everything is laid out for you and at prices that are well within your budget.

So for those who are looking for a challenging recreational activity to learn, why not try fly fishing? Not only do you get to learn something new but you also get to enjoy the results as well especially when you get the hang of casting and baiting as well.